The State Council has released a three-year action plan to win the battle for a blue sky, in a bid to improve air quality.
It was aimed at reducing emissions of major air pollutants and greenhouse gases, seeing a marked drop in the density of PM 2.5, and decreasing the number of seriously polluted days.
By 2020, emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides should decline at least 15 percent from 2015 levels, while cities with low air quality standards should see their PM 2.5 density fall at least 18 percent, according to the plan.
The rate of days with good air quality should reach 80 percent annually, and the percentage of heavily polluted days should decrease by 25 percent or more from 2015 levels in cities at prefecture level and above.
To achieve the goals, the State Council urged authorities to adjust industrial structures and promote green development, rectify the energy structure to build a clean, efficient energy system, adjust transportation systems to advance green transport, and enhance pollution management by optimizing land use systems.
It called on efforts to carry out major action plans and activities to reduce pollution, coordinate prevention and control to cope with heavily polluted days, and improve laws, regulations and policies.
Authorities also should build infrastructure and capacities and strengthen law enforcement, while clearly assigning responsibilities and engaging the public in protecting the environment.
Efforts will be focused on areas including the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and its surrounding areas, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Fenhe and Weihe river plains, according to the plan.
Contact Person: Mr. H. Chang
Tel: +86 319 3188757
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